Hours: Thurs - Sat 10am | Sun 1pm - 5pm | Mon - Wed CLOSED

Admission: Free for Members | Adults: $5 | Seniors: $4 | Child 6-18: $3 (Children under 6 Free)

Broad Street Parking


The show is divided into areas representing Entertainers, Athletes, Authors, and many, many Notables. The displays will be a celebration of the talented musicians, singers, authors, actors, athletes, artists, notables who have excelled in other fields such as journalists, scientists, and politicians.

The show will highlight the careers of entertainers such as Mr. James Brown, Brenda Lee, Butterfly McQueen, Flo Carter, and Dub Taylor; authors such as Berry Fleming, Janelle Taylor, and Frank Yerby; athletes like Emerson Boozer, Vernon Forrest, Ty Cobb, and Larry Mize; and notables such as Susan Still, Governor Carl Sanders, Judy Woodruff, Jasper Johns, and Ophelia DeVore Mitchell.

Telling their fascinating stories is long overdue and is made possible with generous funding provided by the Porter Fleming Foundation, PotashCorp. and the Honorable Carl E. Sanders, Sr.

Local Legends

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